Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?

by Christina Vinarti
Can Cats Drink Almond Milk

Almond milk has become a common sight in many kitchens, thanks to its impressive nutritional content and dairy-free format. 

It may be healthy for humans, but pet owners may be wondering if the milk is safe for their furry friends too. If you own a cat, you may be wondering, is almond milk safe for cats?

In short, the answer is yes! Cats may have almond milk, but you still need to be careful. An excess of anything is bad, so the same goes for almond milk. It is only safe for cats in moderation.

We’ll cover more about almond milk and cats in this post, including its possible benefits, how much is suitable for a cat’s diet, and whether oat milk is also safe for your cat. 

Is Almond Milk Safe For Cats?

We are all familiar with the image of a cat enjoying a pail of milk, but in reality, a lot of cats are lactose intolerant. 

Cats aren’t able to break down milk as humans can. This is because cats don’t have lactase enzymes which are required for breaking down cow’s milk. 

Almond milk may seem like a good milk substitute for cats, but remember that it is still sourced from a nut. There is still a risk of almond milk aggravating the cat’s delicate stomach, so it should only be delivered in moderation.

If you do want to give your cat some almond milk, check the packaging label. Many almond milk brands use artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and flavorings that can lead to gastrointestinal issues. 

Any almond milk given to cats should be unsweetened with no additional flavorings. 

Is Almond Milk Beneficial for Cats?

Almond milk has some benefits for humans, but is it the same when it comes to cats? As long as it is supplied in moderation, almond milk may have some advantages for cats.

  • Almond milk is a milk substitute sourced from water and almonds. It’s free from lactose and dairy, which is why it’s a nice solution for lactose-intolerant cats.
  • Almond milk is free from gluten and soy, has half the calories of cow’s milk, and contains very little saturated fat. It doesn’t contain any natural substances that may harm cats.
  • Cats have taste receptors that appreciate almond milk’s flavor. 
  • Almond milk is full of nutrients and vitamins. It contains Vitamin E, which can help improve your cat’s coat and skin condition.
  • Potassium within almond milk can help support proper cell function within the body. It contains omega-3 fatty acids which can have anti-inflammatory effects on pets. 
Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?

How Much Almond Milk Are Cats Allowed?

If your cat has never tasted almond milk before, make sure you begin with a tiny amount, then closely monitor how their body processes it. 

Stop giving your cat almond milk immediately if you notice anything strange. If your cat exhibits no reactions, you can increase the amount by a teaspoon. Make sure you don’t add too much! 

You can tell if your cat can digest almond milk by examining its bowel movements for two days. If they ingest too much, look out for any signs of indigestion, stomach problems, or food allergies.

These include:

  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Bloated stomach
  • Diarrhea

The additional calories from almond milk are another issue. Obesity in pets is a huge issue, so it’s important to ensure you don’t exceed your cat’s energy intake. 

To stay healthy, cats require between 24 and 35 calories for each pound of body weight each day. One cup of almond milk is around 100 calories! 

Grown cats don’t need milk in their diet. Any calories received from almond milk won’t contain the nutrients that they need.

Things In Almond Milk Cats Should Avoid

Almond milk brands may add preservatives and artificial sweeteners to their product. These substances can cause stomach problems and allergic reactions, as well as obesity and tooth decay.

One of the artificial sweeteners that may be present in almond milk is xylitol. Just a tiny amount of xylitol can lead to sudden insulin release in your cat. This can cause hypoglycemia, known as low blood sugar. 

Xylitol is extremely dangerous for cats. Even if your furbaby survives the event, it may still experience liver failure as a result. 

If you do want to give your cat almond milk, always look at the label to ensure it is free from artificial sweeteners and preservatives, particularly xylitol. If the product is safe, make sure you only do so in moderation. Anything over a teaspoon or two is too much for your cat.

Is Oat Milk Safe For Cats?

We’ve covered whether almond milk is safe for cats, but what about another popular milk alternative, oat milk? 

As is the case with almond milk, cats can enjoy oat milk as a treat, provided that it is given in moderation. Cats tend to like the way oat milk tastes, but it’s best to provide it in tiny amounts, and only once a week, at maximum. 

However, oat milk has no important health benefits for your cat, so it’s not advised to make it a part of their diet. Water should be the primary hydration method for your cat.

Just like almond milk, oat milk manufacturers may add artificial sweeteners and sugars to their products, which are not good for your furbaby. Always check the label to ensure your oat milk is a clean product, free from any substances which may harm your cat. 

If this is the case, a teaspoon of oat milk every week is more than enough to treat your cat! 

The Bottom Line

Yes, cats can drink almond milk, but only in small amounts! 

Your feline friend should be fine if you give your cat almond milk in moderation. Almond milk does contain some substances that are beneficial for cats. However, it isn’t nutritional enough to replace the nutrients a cat receives from its protein-based diet. 

Cats may find almond milk tasty, but a teaspoon or two is more than enough to give your cat an occasional treat.

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