Can Cats Eat Carrots?

by Christina Vinarti
Can Cats Eat Carrots

Although certain foods are safe for human consumption, it doesn’t mean that your feline friend will reap the same benefits. We may think that letting them eat a small vegetable chunk that lands on the floor is okay, but this can actually have serious consequences. 

As pet owners, we aim to do the best we can to keep them happy and healthy. This means not letting them eat certain things and knowing which foods may cause the most harm. Has your cat ever tried to sneak a bite of carrot whilst you’re eating one?

This article will discuss whether or not it is safe for cats to eat carrots and advice on what to feed them. 

Are Carrots Safe For Cats To Eat?

In small doses, carrots are safe for cats to eat as they are not toxic but there are some downsides. Carrots aren’t a natural part of a cat’s carnivorous diet, which means they have not evolved to process a lot of sugar. 

Fruits and vegetables contain natural sugars that aren’t particularly harmful but cats’ digestive tracts are not able to cope with this which can cause diabetic issues with prolonged exposure. 

They contain numerous vitamins and minerals that contribute to a number of health benefits for both you and your feline. As with most foods, your cat should enjoy these in moderation. 

How Much Is Too Much?

Moderation is key when it comes to feeding your pet carrots. The continuous consumption of carrots may lead to your cat developing diabetes due to the excess sugar intake they would be consuming. 

According to Boehringer Ingelheim, the four main signs of diabetes in cats include: 

  1. Increased urination – are you noticing the litter tray has been used more frequently? This might be difficult if you have more than one cat.
  2. Excessive thirst – cats that urinate more will become thirstier, so if you find your kitty spending more time at their water bowl than usual this could be a telltale sign of diabetes. 
  3. Increase in appetite – most cat owners are aware that their kitty will never want to miss a treat or a meal. Cats that have developed diabetes may beg for food more or scavenge the neighborhood to find other sources of food. 
  4. Unexpected weight loss – when your cat suffers from diabetes, there is poor glucose uptake in its cells which means the body burns fat and muscle as a source of energy. This ultimately leads to weight loss. 

If your cat displays any of these signs, then take them to see a veterinarian to check for diabetes. 

Health Benefits Of Carrots

One of the main benefits of the humble carrot comes from its color. The orange color comes from an antioxidant called beta-carotene which is an important source of vitamin A. 

Numerous health benefits have been linked to this such as strengthening the immune system, maintaining skin and eye health, and preventing chronic diseases. This is particularly important for cats as they have excellent vision which needs to be maintained. 

Carrots are also a great source of fiber, working in a similar way to human digestive systems. The fiber helps to move food along the digestive tract, although it is not the same as the fiber they would obtain from prey in the wild it can be a helpful substitute for domesticated pets. 

How To Prepare Carrots For Your Cat

The general guidance for feeding your cat carrots suggests steaming them beforehand as it is safer than consuming them raw. The odd raw piece of carrot won’t hurt, but this shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. 

The main reason for cooking the carrots relates to safety. As raw carrots are notoriously tough to chew and swallow, they can pose a choking hazard to your pet and it will also make it extremely difficult for them to digest. 

Any other way of cooking the carrots is fine, but they should not be coated with any herbs or spices. If your cat has never had a carrot before, only give them a small amount to ensure they won’t have any reactions to the vegetable. 

Will My Cat Like Carrots?

Cats have fewer sweet taste receptors than humans as their diets are quite different. As a result, you may find that your cat does not care for carrots and will turn its nose up. 

Some felines have an obsession with raw carrots, not to eat, just to play with. Strange, we know. If your cat isn’t a huge fan of the taste, it’s safe to let them play with the carrot provided you are watching them make sure they don’t bite off chunks of it.

The Best Diet For Your Cat

To keep your cat happy and healthy, you should feed them a well-balanced diet consisting mainly of meat. Cats cannot be vegetarian, if they are fed this kind of diet they will become sick. 

Naturally, cats eat little and often so it’s best to give them a few small meals a day. The amount of food and the type of food you feed your cat will depend on their health needs, lifestyle, and age. Cats should be fed every day without fail.  

Always read the label on your cat’s food to ensure you are feeding them the recommended amount. For example, indoor cats may not expend as much energy as those allowed to roam outdoors. You can work with your vet to work out the best plan going forward based on their specific needs.

One last tip – if your cat has a litter tray in the house make sure this is well away from their food and water bowls. Many cats will refuse to eat or drink if their bowls are close to their toilet. 

The Bottom Line

Cats can eat carrots when fed to them in moderation and properly cooked beforehand. As carrots contain a number of vitamins and minerals, they can offer a number of health benefits to cats even though they are not a part of their main carnivorous diets.

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