Can Cats Have Peaches?

by Christina Vinarti
Can Cats Have Peaches (1)

Does your cat keep eyeing up your peaches? Despite not wanting to share your exotic fruits with your cat, there could be a danger to giving your cat human food. Cats aren’t built the same as us and are made to be carnivores. 

One of the responsibilities that come with being a pet owner is understanding what your pet needs and ensuring they stay healthy and happy. Many human foods are actually toxic to our little furry friends; learning which these are is vital. 

In this article, we will discuss whether or not it is safe for your cat to eat peaches. 

Can Cats Eat Fruit?

There are a certain number of fruits that are safe for cats to eat as a small supplement to their main diet (see also ‘Can Cats Have Strawberries?‘). Many fruits contain beneficial minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C; a powerful antioxidant that helps them to maintain a healthy coat. 

Cats and dogs can naturally produce vitamin C in their bodies, so there is no real need for them to supplement it by eating fruit. So if they do happen to eat fruit containing this vitamin, it will just be a little added extra rather than a supplement to their diet. 

Fruit contains a high amount of natural sugar which cats are not used to. High levels of sugar in a cat’s diet can lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes. 

Can Cats Eat Peaches?

Peaches are round stone fruits that have juicy flesh. The fruit can be broken down into these individual parts when we refer to their consumption, as one element may be more toxic than another it’s important to talk about them separately. 


Although the skin of the peach is not poisonous to cats, the skin of the peach may contain pesticides that have been used during the growing process. 

These pesticides can cause harmful health effects on both humans and animals, therefore we would advise you to buy organic fruit where you can. Always wash your fruit before you eat it to remove any pesticide residue from the skin.  


The juicy flesh of the fruit is sweet and tasty to humans. On the whole, the flesh of the peach is safe for your kitty to consume in small quantities. Always do a little taste test with them to ensure they have no reaction to the fruit. 

Even if your cat does like the taste of the fruit, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will agree with them. Many cats have been known to have an upset stomach after eating peach flesh, which could present itself in the form of diarrhea or vomiting. 


The pit or stone of a peach is extremely toxic to a cat and should not be consumed by them. If you are eating a peach, always make sure you dispose of the stone properly so your cat can’t get to it. 

If a cat manages to get hold of a stone and eat it, a chemical known as amygdalin will be released into its digestive system. This chemical is a sugar-cyanide compound that can poison cats and kittens if they eat enough of it. 

Not only is there a risk of poisoning, but eating these stones is a huge choking hazard. Cats are much smaller than us humans so eating one of these stones could easily get stuck in their throat. 

So yes, cats can eat peach flesh. However, as with any new food it’s best to introduce a little at a time as cats have very sensitive digestive systems. Also, your cat may not even like the peach and it will be a waste of a nice piece of fruit. 

How To Tell If Your Cat Has Been Poisoned

The stems and leaves of peaches also contain the dangerous sugar-cyanide compound. Although this is less likely to happen, some cat owners may leave near farms or trees that grow peaches and need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of peach poisoning. 

Symptoms Of Cyanide Poisoning

These are the symptoms to look out for if your cat has consumed any of these dangerous items: 

  • Vomiting 
  • diarrhea 
  • Dehydration or loss of appetite
  • Dilated pupil
  • Convulsions
  • Drooling
  • Tremors
  • Respiratory issues such as coughing or panting 
  • Weakness 
  • Cardiac arrest

If you suspect that your cat has been affected by this, take them to a veterinarian immediately to get them treated. The symptoms of the poisoning are likely to be treated rather than induced vomiting as this may cause the stone to get lodged in the throat. 

How To Feed Your Cat Peach Flesh Safely

As we mentioned above, small amounts of peach flesh are safe for your cat to consume. This may lead you to ask how this can be done as safely as possible. Cut the peach flesh up into small, manageable chunks and serve them a little in one sitting. 

Another great tip here is to always use fresh peaches as canned peaches contain artificial sweeteners or preservatives that can cause upset to your cat’s stomach. This could lead to diarrhea, which isn’t ideal. 

Fruits To Avoid

There are certain fruits that should be avoided at all costs. Certain fruits can cause organ damage and may even be lethal to your pet. These include: 

  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Raisins 
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits

Citrus fruits in particular have a number of oils in them that can cause a severe upset in a cat’s stomach and make them feel really sick. The citric acid in these fruits will also have a negative impact on your cat so it’s best to keep them out of the way. 

The Bottom Line

Cats can eat peach flesh, but they must not eat any other part of the peach. In particular, the stone of a peach is extremely dangerous for your cat to eat as it contains cyanide, a poisonous substance if consumed in large quantities. Always check with your veterinarian before giving your cat new food.

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