Can Cats Eat Cheese? Uncovering the Health Benefits and Risks

by Christina Vinarti

Can cats eat cheese? It’s a question that many pet owners ask, but the answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. Cats can certainly benefit from eating certain types of cheese in moderation – it provides essential nutrients and fatty acids for their diet.

However, there are also risks associated with feeding your cat too much cheese; these should be taken into consideration before adding any to their regular meal plan.

In this article we’ll explore the health benefits of cheese for cats, discuss what types of cheeses they can safely consume, outline potential risks involved with feeding them too much, and give advice on how much is safe to feed your feline friend.

Read on to learn more about whether you should consider introducing some cheesy goodness into your kitty’s diet!

Table of Contents:

Health Benefits of Cheese for Cats

Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium for cats, as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. It can help to keep their coat healthy and shiny, which is why many pet owners choose to feed it to their feline friends.

Protein helps build muscle mass, while calcium strengthens bones and teeth. Cheese also contains zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and B-vitamins that are important for overall health in cats.

In addition to providing nutritional benefits for cats, cheese can be an enjoyable treat that they look forward to eating each day. Cats have taste buds specifically designed for sweet flavors like those found in dairy products such as cheese.

This makes it an ideal snack or reward when training your cat or simply showing them affection.

However there are some risks associated with feeding cheese to cats so it should always be done in moderation. Too much cheese can lead to weight gain due to its high fat content so it’s important not to overfeed your cat this type of food item.

Additionally lactose intolerance is common among felines so if you notice any digestive issues after giving them cheese then discontinue use immediately and consult with your veterinarian about alternative sources of nutrition instead.

Cheese can provide cats with beneficial nutrients, so it is important to know which types of cheese are safe for cats to consume. Next, we will look at the different types of cheese that are suitable for cats.

Key Takeaway: Cheese can be an enjoyable treat for cats and provide essential vitamins, minerals, and protein. However it should always be given in moderation to avoid weight gain or digestive issues due to lactose intolerance.

Types of Cheese Suitable for Cats

When it comes to cheese, cats can be a bit picky. Soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta and feta are generally safe for cats to eat in moderation. These soft cheeses have lower fat content than hard cheeses like cheddar, Swiss or Parmesan and they’re also much easier for cats to digest.

Cottage cheese is a great source of protein and calcium for your cat. It’s low in calories but high in essential nutrients like phosphorus and magnesium that help keep their bones strong.

Cream cheese is another popular choice among pet owners because it has less lactose than other types of dairy products which makes it easier on their stomachs. Ricotta is a mild-tasting Italian cheese that contains healthy fats and proteins as well as vitamins A & B12 which helps support your cat’s immune system.

Feta is an aged Greek-style sheep milk or goat milk product with a salty flavor that many cats enjoy eating from time to time when offered by their owners.

Hard cheeses should be avoided due to their high salt content which can lead to dehydration if consumed too often or in large amounts by your feline friend.

Additionally, some hard cheeses may contain mold spores which could cause digestive upset if ingested by your cat so always make sure you check the label before giving them any type of food containing dairy products including hard cheeses like cheddar, Swiss or Parmesan varieties.

When feeding cheese to cats, it is important to choose a type of cheese that is safe for them. However, there are risks associated with feeding cheese to cats and it is important to understand these before making the decision.

Key Takeaway: Cats can eat soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta and feta in moderation. Hard cheeses should be avoided due to their high salt content and potential mold spores.

Can Cats Eat Cheese

Risks Associated with Feeding Cheese to Cats

Cheese is a popular snack for humans, but can cats eat cheese? Cheese does have some health benefits for cats, such as providing them with protein and calcium. However, it also has risks associated with feeding it to cats that pet owners should be aware of.

Types of Cheese Suitable for Cats: Not all types of cheese are suitable for cats. Soft cheeses like cottage cheese or cream cheese are the safest options because they’re easier to digest than harder cheeses like cheddar or Swiss. I

t’s best to avoid processed cheeses since they often contain preservatives and artificial flavors which could be harmful to your cat’s health.

Health Benefits of Cheese for Cats: Cheese contains high levels of protein and calcium which can help support a healthy diet in cats. Protein helps build muscle mass while calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth.

Additionally, the fat content in cheese provides energy needed by active felines who need more calories than their sedentary counterparts do.

Risks associated with feeding cheese to cats include weight gain due to its high fat content, digestive upset from lactose intolerance, and an allergy may develop if your cat eats dairy products regularly.

Over time this can lead to skin irritation or other allergic reactions such as sneezing or coughing fits when exposed to dairy products again later on.

Generally speaking, most experts recommend no more than one teaspoon of cheese per day as a treat given between meals so that it does not replace any essential nutrients found in regular kibble diets designed specifically for felines’ nutritional needs.

It is important to understand the risks associated with feeding cheese to cats, as it can have serious health implications. Therefore, it is essential to know how much cheese a cat can safely consume in order to keep them healthy and happy.

Key Takeaway: Cheese can provide cats with protein and calcium, but it should only be given as a treat in moderation due to potential risks such as weight gain, digestive upset, and allergies. Key points: – Soft cheeses are best for cats – No more than one teaspoon per day – High fat content can lead to weight gain – Digestive upset from lactose intolerance may occur – Allergies could develop over time

How Much Cheese Can Cats Eat?

Cheese can be a great treat for cats, but it is important to feed it in moderation. Cheese should not make up more than 10% of your cat’s daily diet and should only be given as an occasional snack or reward. A small amount (1-2 tablespoons) per day is usually enough for most cats.

When feeding cheese to your cat, always choose high-quality cheeses that are low in fat and salt content. Soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta cheese, and goat’s milk feta are all good choices for cats.

Harder cheeses like cheddar or Swiss may also be suitable if they have been aged properly and contain no added preservatives or flavorings.

Avoid processed varieties such as string cheese or pre-packaged slices of American cheese since these tend to contain higher levels of sodium which can cause health problems in cats over time.

It is best to avoid giving your cat any type of flavored cheeses since the added ingredients could potentially cause digestive upset or other adverse reactions.

Also keep in mind that some types of dairy products may not agree with certain cats so it’s best to introduce them slowly and watch out for signs of discomfort such as vomiting or diarrhea before offering larger amounts on a regular basis.

Key Takeaway: Cats can enjoy cheese as a treat, but it should be given in moderation (1-2 tablespoons per day). Choose high-quality cheeses that are low in fat and salt content such as cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta cheese or goat’s milk feta. Avoid flavored cheeses and processed varieties like string cheese or pre-packaged slices of American cheese.

FAQs in Relation to Can Cats Eat Cheese

What happens if a cat eats cheese?

Cats should not eat cheese as it can cause digestive upset and even more serious health issues. Cheese is high in fat, which cats cannot digest properly, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems.

Eating too much cheese can also lead to obesity or pancreatitis in cats. Additionally, some cheeses contain molds that are toxic for cats if ingested. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid feeding your cat any type of cheese altogether.

Can I give my cat a little bit of cheese?

It is generally not recommended to give cats cheese. Cheese contains lactose, which cats are unable to digest and can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea or vomiting. Additionally, some cheeses contain high levels of fat that can be difficult for a cat’s body to process and may lead to weight gain or pancreatitis.

If you want to treat your cat with something special, there are many healthier options available like cooked meat or fish, vegetables, fruits, and specially formulated treats designed specifically for cats.

What cheese is safe for cats?

Cheese can be a tasty treat for cats, but not all types of cheese are safe. Generally speaking, hard cheeses such as cheddar and Swiss are safe in small amounts. Soft cheeses like feta or blue cheese should be avoided due to their higher salt content.

Cheeses that contain onion powder or garlic should also be avoided as these ingredients can cause digestive upset in cats. As with any food item, it is best to introduce new foods slowly and observe your cat’s reaction before offering more. 

If your cat has an adverse reaction after eating cheese, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Why do cats love cheese?

Cats have a strong sense of smell, and cheese is one of the most pungent smells that cats find attractive. Cheese also contains high levels of fat and protein which are both appealing to cats.

Additionally, some cheeses contain amino acids like tryptophan which can act as a mild sedative for cats, making them feel relaxed and content. All these factors make cheese an irresistible treat for many cats.


In conclusion, cheese can be a beneficial treat for cats in moderation. Cheese is rich in protein and calcium which can help to support your cat’s overall health. However, it is important to remember that cheese should only be given as an occasional treat due to its high fat content.

Be sure to research the types of cheese suitable for cats before feeding them any and always monitor their reaction when introducing new foods into their diet. When done responsibly, the answer to “can cats eat cheese” is yes!

For more information on this and other topics, head over to Our pet website has comprehensive information on what your cat can and cannot eat to help keep them healthy, happy, and safe from potential health risks. Check us out today!



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